In a devastating incident on Old Winter Garden Road, an 18-year-old woman from Orlando lost her life after being struck by a Nissan Xterra SUV. According to investigators, the woman was standing in the inside eastbound lane, outside of a crosswalk, directly in the path of the oncoming vehicle.
Tragically, the collision proved fatal, and the young woman died at the crash site. The driver of the SUV, a 23-year-old from Orlando, remained at the scene and was uninjured. While investigations into the crash are ongoing, the incident underscores the risks faced by pedestrians on Florida roads.
Florida consistently ranks among the states with the highest number of pedestrian accidents. As a no-fault state, pedestrians do not have an unmitigated right of way like in some other states, such as New York. However, this doesn’t mean that victims or their families won’t receive compensation for injuries or death benefits from insurance companies.
In cases of pedestrian accidents resulting in fatalities, families may seek legal recourse to obtain settlements and justice for their loved ones. An attorney specializing in personal injury and wrongful death claims can represent the interests of the deceased pedestrian’s family and help them navigate the legal complexities involved in seeking compensation.
Despite the legal nuances, it’s imperative to prioritize safety on the roads and exercise caution as both drivers and pedestrians. Our thoughts are with the family and loved ones of the victim during this difficult time.